The Mobility of Faith: Cross Sections of Haitian Religion in Miami
...Artisan Project of Port-de-Paix, Haiti, sister diocese to the Archdiocese of Miami. Notre Dame d'Haiti Cathedral, Miami, Florida, February 1, 2014. Photo by Monica Lauzurique. Courtesy of the Archdiocese of...
Transcript of "When I Say 'Steal,' Who Do You Think Of?": Part Two the US—to be white people descended from Scot-Irish, emigrants, fleeing poverty in Europe, moving from the eastern seaports of the US further south and east, looking for cheap land —...
The Seventeenth Southern Writers Symposium: September 19–20, 2003 at Methodist College, Fayetteville, North Carolina
...discomfort " (xxiv). All are present in Bound for Glory. Guthrie's exploits, especially those of his youth, which take up a great part of the book, are somewhat less than...
Confederates in Mexico: Lost Cause or New South Vanguard?
Review The defeat of the Confederacy, the prospect of military occupation and Republican state government, and the financial collapse of many plantations and businesses sent a number of white southerners...
Undoing the Voting Rights Act
...racial disparity burdens only a small number of minority voters in a small, rural polling place, does the relatively "small" size of the harm argue against a finding of a...
Something True about Louisiana: HBO's True Detective and the Petrochemical America Aesthetic
...body of his dead father out back, and lording over a spooky lair that was once, among other things, a fort for Confederate soldiers.18Carcosa, the lair, was shot at Fort...
Renewing Multimedia Scholarly Publishing: A Streamlined and Mobile-Friendly Design for Southern Spaces
...recounting her use of an article on our site in her teaching. Viewing Andrew M. Busch's Southern Spaces article "Crossing Over" on a phone. Screen capture of the new Southern...
The Crowd He Becomes
...have done it it wouldn't have been alone, he would have had a driver and a man out west to phone in threats to draw the cops away. They'd ease...
Shadows along the Waccamaw
Readings Dan Albergotti reads "The Mystery of the Great Blue Heron." Poem text. Dan Albergotti reads the poem "The Boatloads." Poem text. Dan Albergotti reads the poem "Accidents Happen with...
University of Texas Press and Southern Spaces Katrina Bookshelf Series Collaboration
...was nearly emptied of life. If measured by the number of lives it claimed, Katrina does not qualify as the worst disaster in our history. But it was far and away...