Unquiet Emmett Till
...but bad faith. He isn't wrong about the racism—read the trial transcript and it's clear that lead prosecutor Gerald Chatham couches his case in classic racial paternalism. But most participants,...
Reckoning with Enslavement
...the firmness of her tone. "Their pain was unparalleled," she observed. "Their pain is still here. It burns in the soul of every person of African descent in the United...
Haiti and the Fear of Insurrection: A Review of The Slaveholding Crisis
...Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, archive.org/details/walkersappealinf00walk/page/n4. Paulus argues that a weighty change occurred in the 1830s: most planters "no longer saw a weak national government as key to slavery's perpetuation" and...
A Woman's Work: Jim Crow Modernity and the Remaking of the Carceral State
...attributed to an accident, but it was part of a larger pattern of female representation. Black women's bodies were similarly portrayed in letters from convict guards and overseers as well...
Buffalo Mountain Windfarm, Anderson County, Tennessee, 2005
...part of the Green Power Switch program of the Tennessee Valley Authority. The windfarm consists of eighteen turbines and generates a total capacity of twenty-nine megawatts, which is enough to...
The Web of Cis-Atlantic History: A Review of Louisiana: Crossroads of the Atlantic World
Review In this impressive volume edited by Cécile Vidal a collection of historians seek to recover a "marginalized" past (16) within American history. Louisiana: Crossroads of the Atlantic World...
Putting the Hospital into Southern Hospitality
...in the Lowcountry than in other parts of America,” so they remain off stage for the most part, “although they formed a part of the overall disease matrix.” With yellow...
The Law and the Mississippi Basin: A Review of Mississippi River Tragedies
...Mississippi drainage basin. Flooding, of course, has always posed a physical threat to human subsistence in the lower-lying parts of the immense watershed that drains some 40 percent of the...
The Bulletin—May 8, 2013
...instituted a voucher system that would give parents the choice to use money the state had allocated to pay for their child's public education to pay private school tuition. Tuesday,...
Struggle Against Disease and Discrimination: The Jesse Peel Papers
...1996. Regarding the park renovations and the statue, Peel continued, "I have devoted heart and soul to JHP [John Howell Park] this last year and a half. We will complete...