The Crowd He Becomes
...have done it it wouldn't have been alone, he would have had a driver and a man out west to phone in threats to draw the cops away. They'd ease...
Shadows along the Waccamaw
Readings Dan Albergotti reads "The Mystery of the Great Blue Heron." Poem text. Dan Albergotti reads the poem "The Boatloads." Poem text. Dan Albergotti reads the poem "Accidents Happen with...
A Conversation with Digital Historians
...looking for. I’ve been struck by how English departments seem to be ahead of history in terms of producing graduate students and new PhDs who are actively engaging with digital...
The Other Side of Paradise: Glimpsing Slavery in the University's Utopian Landscapes
...cut see Mark Auslander, "Going by the Trees: Death and Regeneration in Georgia's Haunted Landscapes." "Ancient Mysteries, Modern Secrets," 2009. (Electronic Antiquity) A number of white Oxford residents spoke of...
Still under the Influence: The Bioregional Origins of the Hub City Writers Project
...of neglected inner potential. When we deepen or enrich ourselves, looking within, understanding ourselves, we come closer to being like a climax system."5Ibid., 173–74. Human beings, Snyder would say, have...
Navigating Jim Crow: A Review of Adolph L. Reed's The South: Jim Crow and Its Afterlives all-white restaurant, or to momentarily avoid a racial indignity. Some white leaders openly acknowledged what a large number of various skin complexions meant in the real life of...
Psychiatry in the Wake: Racism and the Asylumed South and healing where there were small numbers of Black patients.11Fett, Working Cures. Gonaver warns us not to read Galt's attitude as any kind of emancipatory rhetoric, but as representing...
Eggleston's South: "Always in Color"
...a new way of looking at the US South, a full color, sideways vision. Wagonload of cotton coming out of the field in the evening. Mileston Plantation, Mississippi Delta, Mississippi,...
Something True about Louisiana: HBO's True Detective and the Petrochemical America Aesthetic
...did not want to do—he does so knowing that his actions did not alter the landscape in Louisiana. Some viewers might view the last moments (Rust says, looking at the...
Documenting Migrants: An Interview with Charles D. Thompson
...Wal-Mart—and there are Wal-Marts in Mexico—are almost the equivalent in US dollars to what they are in this country. We think that they are cheap here, but there they are...