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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Cajun South Louisiana

...the growing of rice. Trapping and hunting supplemented agricultural production, with communal identity reinforced through typical rural rituals such as house raisings, weekly house dances, horse racing, and traditional music....

Inside Poor Monkey's

...Monkey, began to operate the unused sharecropper house as a lounge. (Enlarged Map: Poor Monkey's and Merigold) The building is made of unpainted cypress planks, roofed with corrugated galvanized steel...

Loving-Moonlight(ing): Cinema in the Breach

...intimacy in which viewers are invited to sit alongside. It is an image used in the film's promotion: Mildred sits in Richard's lap, holding his head close to her chest....

Open Access Week: The HathiTrust Ruling and Fair Use

...copyright violation. The HathiTrust countered that their digitization project is fair use because it is intended to preserve print materials in perpetuity, give access to print-disabled readers as required by the...

The Liminal Site

...our Birmingham house. I have opted, therefore, to continue using the present tense and referring to the place as "our house," especially because we own no other: in North Vancouver,...