The Joneses: Home Made in Mississippi
...ever since. The Joneses promotional poster. Bunny Lake Films LLC, 2016. The documentary project spun out of my first book, Men Like That: A Southern Queer History, which began as...
The Seventeenth Southern Writers Symposium: September 19–20, 2003 at Methodist College, Fayetteville, North Carolina
...region in southern literature—with the following introduction: I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps...
Patchwork Freedoms: Law, Slavery, and Race beyond Cuba's Plantations
...(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2016), chapter 5. On the United States and with a focus on legal consciousness as well, Dylan Penningroth, The Claims of Kinfolk: African...
The Slaveholding Empire: Southerners, Federal Authority, and Slave Power Abroad
...gradual path to extinction in parts of the United States and on a more immediate one in Haiti. In the 1830s this international movement reached its apex as the British...
Ungesund: Yellow Fever, the Antebellum Gulf South, and German Immigration
...Nonne’s role in reprinting this piece. Over the next half-century Germans wrote extensively about the United States, particularly about the Louisiana Purchase and its suitability for settlement. Heinrich Schmidt, ca. 1850s....
Stormy Banks and Sweet Rivers: A Sacred Harp Geography
...the singing schools as crude. Musicians such as Lowell Mason (1792-1872) began an ardent campaign against the singing schools and the kind of music they promoted. Mason and the "better...
The Vanished World of the New Orleans Longshoreman
The Vanished World of the New Orleans Longshoreman A popular tourist attraction in New Orleans today is the "Moonwalk," a brick-paved promenade stretching along the Mississippi riverfront from the Covention...
Contesting the Roadways: The Moore's Ford Lynching Reenactment and a Confederate Flag Rally, July 25, 2015, but that is an insufficient form of witnessing. Real witnessing can only occur by human beings, joined in a united group, responsible to one another, just as the united...
Mapping the "Big Minutes": Visualizing Sacred Harp's Geographic Coalescence and Expansion, 1995–2014
..."Big Minutes" grew out of the minutes pamphlets of a network of singings centered in Winston County, Alabama.5Editors of today's "Big Minutes" repeat the received history that the book originated...
Shades of Violence: Jim Crow Justice and Black Resistance in the Depression-Era South
...notes the role of US communists and allied labor radicals in promoting the argument, as the Southern Worker contended, that "the police, the courts, and the 'law enforcing' machinery are...