Confederates in Mexico: Lost Cause or New South Vanguard? its government formally abolished caste distinctions and chattel slavery after it gained independence in 1821. Additionally, Mexico had engaged in a war with pro-slavery Anglo settlers in Texas during...
Genres of Southern Literature
...States, was beginning to understand itself in terms of cultural and political difference—in terms of what its way of life was not, and what it was positioned against. In the...
Undoing the Voting Rights Act
...members who comprise the Court's conservative wing on controversies of race, Justice Alito upholds Arizona law that invalidates a voter's entire ballot if it is cast in the wrong precinct...
The Crowd He Becomes
...the crush of lookers in cigarette smoke, in the breath of many lungs, common, innocuous, a cloud about to disappear. * Will stand imagining him split at each intersection, now...
Renewing Multimedia Scholarly Publishing: A Streamlined and Mobile-Friendly Design for Southern Spaces
...access. Like our section menu and social media sharing buttons, it's out of the way but always present if you need it. The design of individual publications on the new...
Shadows along the Waccamaw
...the role of place in his poetry, and how he relates to the idea of the "Southern writer." Part 2: Natasha Trethewey Interviews Dan Albergotti Part 3: Natasha Trethewey Interviews Dan Albergotti...
Navigating Jim Crow: A Review of Adolph L. Reed's The South: Jim Crow and Its Afterlives
...of subordination in a way that was interpreted as 'getting fresh' with a white woman."2Reed, 12. "If bristling at Jim Crow's injustices were especially prominent in my consciousness," Reed writes,...
Psychiatry in the Wake: Racism and the Asylumed South is here that we learn the way that mental institutions operated in the wake of slavery. Despite Galt's insistence on 'intermingling,' Gonaver shows that Black patients in Virginia's asylums...
"The Room that We're Able to Take Up": Forrest Lawson's Queer Aesthetic
...apps. I don’t think I avoid sexuality anymore perhaps like I did when I was younger in my work. I certainly don’t do it personally! But within the work, I...
Unearthing the Weeping Time: Savannah's Ten Broeck Race Course and 1859 Slave Sale
...these were "Indian lands." The area that was to become the Ten Broeck Race Course is not in the image, but is further to the west in the area shown...