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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Besieged Terrain

...destroyed many of the remaining younger trees, scoured the land, and led to widespread erosion. By 1922 the company had clear-cut a twenty-three square mile area. Because the land was...

Carolina's Caribbean Origins: A Review of Hubs of Empire

Review Any historical account requires a framing device—temporal, thematic, or geographical—establishing the scope of enquiry. A Caribbean history typically invokes fairly settled geographical parameters that delimit the area to insular...

Katrina + 5: An X-Code Exhibition

...Barton spoke for many when he commented, "That first day and for many thereafter, we did not understand what the mark meant. In fact, I am not sure that I...

Genres of Southern Literature

...tells us about many souths. We can use genre classifications to collect southern histories reflected in sectional and regional literary conventions, and from genres we can learn many ways to...

Undoing the Voting Rights Act

...for any reason (even if the mistake is the fault of a voting official), and prohibits civic groups from collecting sealed ballots. Alito's opinion damages the ongoing protection of voting...

The Crowd He Becomes

...have done it it wouldn't have been alone, he would have had a driver and a man out west to phone in threats to draw the cops away. They'd ease...