The Mobility of Faith: Cross Sections of Haitian Religion in Miami
...Miami. In characterizing "the transnational Haitian religious field"—some 690 miles between Miami and Haiti—Crossing the Water and Keeping the Faith advances a "Haitian religious collusio," defined as "a generally shared...
Haiti and the Fear of Insurrection: A Review of The Slaveholding Crisis
...Magoffin of Kentucky. Hale's letter appeared nearly seventy years after the Haitian Revolution began and fifty-five years after Haiti won independence from France. Nevertheless, as Carl Lawrence Paulus demonstrates in...
Jim Crow Journeys: An Excerpt from Traveling Black
...railroads had a single ticket booth with segregated ticket windows was less innocuous than it might seem.11A Florida statute passed in 1907 required "Separate Waiting Rooms and Ticket Windows," The...
Ten Dollars and a Bus Ticket
Ten Dollars and a Bus Ticket: Video and Essay Ten Dollars and a Bus Ticket. A short video by Ben Harmon and Catalina McCormick, 2009. Individuals' experiences in the criminal...
Inside the Jackson Tract: The Battle Over Peonage Labor Camps in Southern Alabama, 1906
Introduction Location of Lockhart, Alabama, 2012. On a warm spring day in 1904, former governor of Maryland and lumberman E. E. Jackson, along with several associates, traveled to Alabama to...
Sea Changes in Personhood
...demonstrates, the word "black" (nègre), used in the 1805 Constitution of Haiti as a sine qua non condition to Haitian citizenship, comports the significant exception of naturalized Haitian white women,...
Seeds of Rebellion in Plantation Fiction: Victor Séjour's "The Mulatto"
...States, but its location, Saint-Domingue (present-day Haiti) in the West Indies, is an important site of slavery and revolution in the African diaspora where plantation slaves experienced barbarous conditions eliciting...
Back to the Future: Mapping Workers Across the Global South
...of southern deindustrialization and Asian labor markets. Who makes what where, when, and why depends on a chase around the globe for cheap labor that involves overlapping waves of industrialization...
The Countryside Transformed: The Eastern Shore of Virginia, the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the Creation of a Modern Landscape
...Northampton. On the seaside the trade networks were also divided. From there, steamers out of several Atlantic coast ports carried produce to Philadelphia, New York, and Boston. Position, proximity, access,...
"Puerto Ricans Live Free": Race, Language, and Orlando's Contested Soundscape
..."the cultural system of ideas about social and linguistic relationships, together with their loading of moral and political interests."5Judith T. Irvine, "When Talk Isn't Cheap: Language and Political Economy," American...