Katrina + 5: An X-Code Exhibition
...New Orleans—variants of the X-code left by searchers as they systematically covered the city, critically pertinent markings applied to visited houses and buildings. “Paint fades, archives endure,” reads a promotional...
The X-Codes: A Post-Katrina Postscript
...markings, 2007. The location of the code on a building was often an indication of when in the progress of the flood a search had been conducted. A code...
Wanted eLove: Queer Square Spaces and the Revolution in Digital Intimacy
...evolved to include hanky codes, gay bar and bathhouse secret codes, and other gendered and sexualized forms of inclusion or exclusion. In a letter to the editor published in NEWSWEST,...
Low-Wage Legacies, Race, and the Golden Chicken in Mississippi: Where Contemporary Immigration Meets African American Labor History
...Transnational Capitalism and Hydropolitics in Argentina: The Yacyretá High Dam (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1994). —we demonstrate how local poultry companies relied on racialized strategies to ensure low-cost labor...
Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the US South, 1997–2007
...use of imagery has critiqued, promoted, and problematized the idea of the South and its rap music culture. Rap and Place Perhaps the most remarkable dimension of the Dirty South...
Coop Co-Op: Agrarian Ideals, City Codes, and the Backyard Chicken Movement
...Atlanta's, but many other municipal codes are silent. A number of cities, towns, and counties are facing an unexpected ambiguity: if there is nothing on the books about chickens, is...
Transcript of "When I Say 'Steal,' Who Do You Think Of?": Part Two
...hometown in its latest twist, like the two columns published side by side recently in the Centreville Press—one announcing Martin Luther King's commemoration on January 19, and right next to...
Genres of Southern Literature
...for southern literature. This tradition is not without irony, given the other directive that has long governed southern literary study: the emphasis on promoting "internal" or a-historical, non-contingent readings of...
Southern Spaces: A Partial History
...by hand, using the coding view in Dreamweaver. I tried to code it all in xhtml. As we brought on additional students to help—Sarah Toton, Steve Bransford, Paul O'Grady, Jere...
Crossing Over: Sustainability, New Urbanism, and Gentrification in Austin, Texas
...stops and bike lanes and widen streets to promote public transportation. The most symbolic public spot in the corridor is Urdy Plaza, an open, art-decorated space that honors the African...