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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Keep Your Eye upon the Scale

...Lewis recorded choral performances in Welsh miners' clubs, singing at pubs, and informal song swaps between Appalachian and Welsh singers. Lewis's time in Wales also facilitated in-person cultural exchange, represented...

The Joneses: Home Made in Mississippi

...afterward. He walks the pets and does almost all other domestic chores. I wish we could have gotten inside Trevor's workplace, but he works manual labor at a national chain...

Katrina + 5: An X-Code Exhibition

...Force Wyoming Task Force Wildcat Fire department personnel told Bob Thomas, director of the Center for Environmental Communication at Loyola University, that this code stands for Task Force Wildcat.16Thomas, Robert...

The Battle of Atlanta: History and Remembrance

...monuments typically valorized individual heroism above the causes for which the war was fought, they also served a larger purpose of white, sectional reconciliation. Southern war remembrance at the turn...