Katrina + 5: An X-Code Exhibition
...Barton spoke for many when he commented, "That first day and for many thereafter, we did not understand what the mark meant. In fact, I am not sure that I...
The X-Codes: A Post-Katrina Postscript
...X-image resurfaced, a predecessor to my response to the thousands that appeared in New Orleans. Investigation of the code revealed that this graphic is clearly prescribed by the Urban Search...
Wanted eLove: Queer Square Spaces and the Revolution in Digital Intimacy
...of Sociology 53, no. 2 (2016): 271–284. My essay asks several questions to which there are no definitive answers: What do we do with this revolution in queer life? What...
Segregationists, Libertarians, and the Modern "School Choice" Movement
...that funds school choice for disadvantaged youth, including millions of African American and Latino children. (Applause.) These families should be free to choose the public, private, charter, magnet, religious, or...
Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the US South, 1997–2007
...England called The Dirty South advertises "moonshine-laced southern rock" and features imagery and language that engage facile southern stereotypes (rebel flags, cowboy hats, "geetar," "hollerin'") in a manner somewhat comparable...
Patchwork Freedoms: Law, Slavery, and Race beyond Cuba's Plantations
...The world of customary freedom had plural meanings that arose through practice: the securing of that freedom and its meanings were part of the same process. By contrast, the legal...
"This is Not Dixie:" The Imagined South, the Kansas Free State Narrative, and the Rhetoric of Racist Violence
...Central Plains 20 (Summer 1997): 102-115. On the "Free Labor" concept more generally and its relation to race, see Eric Foner, Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican...
Scales Intimate and Sprawling: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Geography of Marriage in Virginia
...another wife and so I need not trouble myself about that one; but I told him those that God had joined together let no man put asunder, and that I...
Remnants of Flannery
...Brooke Hatfield experimented with several iterations of FLANnery O'Connor. Photographs by Brooke Hatfield. Courtesy of Brooke Hatfield. Pictured above are versions 1 and 2. Recently, Brooke Hatfield, an avid O'Connor fan, designer, and...
Transcript of "When I Say 'Steal,' Who Do You Think Of?": Part Two
...that attempted to return freed slaves to a de facto bondage. Beginning in Mississippi in 1865, these so-called "Black Codes" appeared to grant Black people certain legal rights for the...