Good-Bye to All That?
...the number of challengers in 2016 is likely to decline even further. Our neighboring South Carolina offers a window into the future. In this most recent election less than 25...
Stormy Banks and Sweet Rivers: A Sacred Harp Geography
...a limited number of tunes. Singing schools emerged to teach lay-persons the basics of reading and performing music. These schools operated independently of any congregation or denomination and were run...
Africana Archives: Making Art at the Schomburg
...descent. With collections numbering in excess of ten million items including books, manuscripts, correspondence, personal and professional papers of individuals, archived records of Africana institutions and organizations, as well as...
Still under the Influence: The Bioregional Origins of the Hub City Writers Project
...hundred $100 fine print hardbacks of the book, unavailable for retail. When the paperback came out in April of 1997, we sold 800 copies the first day at a book...
Life in a Shatter Zone: Debra Granik's Film Winter's Bone
...political geography to denote borderlands, especially ones to which members of subject or refugee populations migrated in large numbers to escape the pressures of the state and/or the capitalist economies...
From Arkansas with Love: Evangelical Crisis Management and Southern (White) Gospel Music
...1990), 153–162; 171–176. This musical culture subsequently spread across trans-Appalachia, and then later throughout the Midwest, Southwest, and, after the Great Migration of white southerners in the post–World War II...
Nannie's Stone: Commemoration and Resistance
...Bridge and Olive Streets), approximately one-half mile southwest of the cemetery. At the beginning of the nineteenth century the membership of the Montgomery Street Church was almost 50 percent Black...
African American Community Building in Atlanta: A Guide to the Study of Race in America of how these new relationships worked themselves out, how an urban area became the frontier of racial policy in the New South. Atlanta lies in the southwestern end of...
Something True about Louisiana: HBO's True Detective and the Petrochemical America Aesthetic, "Well, once there was just dark. You ask me, the light's winning."19Cary Joji Fukunaga, "Form and Void," True Detective (HBO, March 9, 2014), Episode 8. ) as a cheap,...
A Real American Horror Story: On Steve McQueen's 12 Years a Slave
...Epps. Viewers numbed by years of cheap thrills need a film like this to remind them that horror is real and persistent, especially if you try to ignore it. About...