Paul's Crazy Quilt [ca 1875 and ca 1915]
...would likely have made this number if she had envisioned this project from the start. Finally, although red fabrics appear in both the star and the crazy blocks, there is...
Piedmont Blues
...1932, and he collaborated with a number of high profile blues artists, including Ma Rainey, Gus Cannon, and Papa Charlie Jackson. Blake disappeared after his last Paramount session in 1932....
Failed Memory Exercise
...A place I can't forget, since its beams were ripped out, Numbered, and shipped east to some resurrection bistro Where one can cop a decent blintz and expresso now That...
The Chesapeake Bay
...they were not conservationists. They cleared lands and moved as necessary, their low numbers making little impact on the available resources (with the significant exception of white-tail deer which Indians...
Conflict and the Senses: A Review of The Smell of Battle, the Taste of Siege
...this transformative event that gave rebirth to a nation. He tells a compelling story, based on diaries, letters, and other archival material. A number of questions remain unanswered, however. What...
Ethnic Cleansing and the Trail of Tears: Cherokee Pasts, Places, and Identities
...Texas Cherokees numbered several hundred while around five thousand western Cherokees settled in present-day western Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma. Many of the 16,500 who still inhabited their ancestral homeland in...
Queer Memory: Loss, Martyrs, and Memorialization in Southern Florida
...Yet many of them would die in disproportionate numbers on the island during the peak years of the AIDS epidemic. You need look no further than the many Hispanic names—names...
Spatial Humanities and Modes of Resistance: A Review of HyperCities any number of new temporal and spatial configurations" (54–55). While this observation is true of any map—as is the relationship between cartographic representation and a given culture's deepest ambitions...
Sacred Harp, "Poland Style"
...Irish singer stood before the class, called out the page number, and asked to sing the song "Poland style." As Sacred Harp singing continues to spread, singers are finding ways...
Red J. Store on Carroll Street, ca. 1910–1920
...using the collection's browse function, I discovered a number of striking images of my neighborhood, including an unattributed photograph from the early twentieth century depicting a store called Red J....