Ungesund: Yellow Fever, the Antebellum Gulf South, and German Immigration
...1850 and 1860 provide population statistics by nation of origin, providing the total number of German-born in each state. Compiled from the Original Returns of the Eighth U.S. Census 1860a-04,...
COVID-19 Vaccine and the Right to Public Health
...went into arms and by mid-March 2021, a quarter of the population had received at least one vaccine; six months later that number rose to 85 percent. Although Black Democrats...
Aunt Narcissa's Quilt [ca 1880]
...solid dark red (similar to the red in Mary's Tulip) and a delicate print of five-pointed stars in red and brown superimposed over a pale-yellow grid printed on white. The...
The "Achilles' Heel" of Jim Crow: A Review of Landscapes of Exclusion
...white supremacy—deserted and superfluous. Today, physical evidence of Jim Crow's imprint on southern state parks is hard to find, except in the racial demographics of park users, which remain overwhelmingly...
Glimpsing Andalusia in the O'Connor-Hester Letters
...of redemption — man needs to be 'struck' by mercy."6Shinn, 58. Katz continues: "Using her stinger, exercising the scorn characteristic of the superego, [O'Connor] imposes on the characters a humiliation...
The Medicalized Border and the Politics of Exclusion
...showing the locations of Brownsville, Laredo, and Eagle Pass, 1882. Courtesy of Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, catalog number 98688791. Fevered Measures surveys smallpox and yellow fever epidemics...
"Looking Back and Moving Forward": The Records of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference at Emory University's Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library
...was responsible for coordinating efforts such as the 1988 Martin Luther King Pilgrimage for Economic Justice and the 1985 boycott of Winn-Dixie supermarkets, as well as intervening on behalf of...
"Our Country"—Benjamin E. Wise's William Alexander Percy
...William Faulkner. Among a host of contributions to any number of scholarly debates, Wise's crisp and clear articulation of Percy's views of love and sexuality will attract the attention of...
Rosa’s Log Cabin Quilt [ca 1880]
...a limited number of fabrics, but quiltmakers more often took advantage of the pattern's versatility to incorporate a variety of fabrics. As long as the majority of darker fabrics are...
Nine Mile Circle Trolley, circa 1895
...a number of improvements have taken place in the city. "Along the sweep of the nine-mile circle several attractive homes have been erected, and those who have not been in...