Lift Every Voice and Sing: The Quilts of Gwendolyn Ann Magee
...medium through which my art finds expression and the subject matter that it articulates. I know that the quilt form usually is associated with feelings of warmth, comfort, serenity and...
Sowing The Seed Underground
Presentation Part 2: Ray overviews the modern extinction of many food seed varieties and the industrialization of US agriculture About the Author Janisse Ray was born in Baxley, Georgia, in 1962...
An Unflinching Look: An Interview with Photographer Benjamin Dimmitt
...That is what I do. I just happen to like to photograph in wetlands because that’s my native environment. That's my native landscape. I grew up in Clearwater on the...
Ways of Unseeing: Crowdsourcing the Frame in Roger May's Looking at Appalachia
...exist that question how photography frames Appalachia: what is contained and what excluded. This effort dates back to some of those images of the FSA Photographic Unit. As Marion Post...
Backcountry Legends of a Minister's Death
...296. Moore's theory assumes the accuracy of the reports that Richardson died strangled by a bridle, that Davie visited Richardson on the day of his death, and that later Davie...
...Grimshaw, Emory University Larry J. Griffin, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Adam Gussow, University of Mississippi Peggy Hargis, Georgia Southern University Tom Hatley, Asheville, North Carolina Iris Tillman Hill, Editor,...
John Yoshida in Arkansas, 1943
...mile. He eventually made his way to the railroad tracks, focusing on that potent symbol of Japanese American imprisonment. It was by train that Yoshida and his family had been...
The Dirt Eaters
...lay on Great- grandma's grave when I was small. "Most cultures have passed through a phase of earth- eating most pre valent today among rural Southern Black women." Geo Phagy:...
Gulf of Knowledge: The Hidden Scientific History of the Early American Southeast
Review Open Cameron B. Strang's Frontiers of Science and you will encounter a fascinating frontispiece that receives no mention in the remarkable study that follows. The image is perhaps too...
Before Tuskegee: Public Health and Venereal Disease in Hot Springs, Arkansas
...Arkansas Press, 2011), 81; "Hot Springs Would Secede," Today 3 (1934): 23. What explains this reversal? For one, it appears that clinic personnel had little appetite for prolonged conflict with...