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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Sprinkle Creek, North Carolina

...when people look at what we have, most of them would not understand why we would even have a frustration. But it's just knowing what you had and what you...

At Sun Ra's Grave

Birmingham, 2001 Now our god's dismantled, iron arms, iron hands now laid away, vacant head beside his vacant feet. Vulcan, God of All the Fire That Sleeps in Mountains now...

The Bulletin—March 5, 2013 in and intellectually engaging with the US South. On March 3, 2013, doctors announced that a baby born in rural Mississippi had been "functionally cured" of HIV infection. The...

The Bulletin—November 29, 2012

...degrees latitude; the border would then be drawn due west until it reached the Pacific Ocean. The original boundary was marked by hatchet marks on trees, strategically placed rocks, and...