"Out long enough to be historic": Racialized Gay Space in Pre-Stonewall San Antonio
...the Constitution of 1824 officially establishing the First Mexican Republic (Primera República Federal), known as the United Mexican States (Estados Unidos Mexicanos). As the EUM sorted out its leadership and...
Trying the Dark: Mammoth Cave and the Racial Imagination, 1839–1869
Mandeville Thum, Mouth of the Cave, Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, 1876–1877. Introduction Geologically, Mammoth Cave is a network of underground caverns in central Kentucky believed to be the world's largest cave...
Confederates in Mexico: Lost Cause or New South Vanguard?
...of Texas, Captain Phillip Dimmitt's Goliad Insurrection, James Long's Second Republic of Texas, Mexico, the First Republic of Texas, France, and Spain. Mexico might seem an unlikely destination for defeated Confederates,...
St. Augustine's "Slave Market": A Visual History
...later called Jack Smith, an African who died free in St. Augustine.27Griffin, Patricia, ed., The Odyssey of an African Slave (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2009). While Sitiki was not...
Authorship in Africana Studies
...But, is that the whole story? I believe not, especially for Africana Studies students and scholars. The epistemological view of the tabula rasa African, as a person devoid of a...
Mountaintop Removal in Central Appalachia
...of acres of Central Appalachian forests and streams through MTR. Low-sulfur coal was needed to meet the more stringent emission requirements, and the Central Appalachian coalfields would find the extraction...
Voting Rights: Justice Alito's False, Partisan Facts
...States. Alito's observation echoes the outline of an argument that the national Republican Party is aggressively advancing to disable the Voting Rights Act. The National Republican Redistricting Trust (NRRT), the...
No Place To Be Displaced: Katrina Response and the Deep South's Political Economy
...people of color, and women. The extreme inequality in these states reflects a white southern legacy of a government/elite/corporate alliance that promoted slavery and the plantation system; post-slavery agricultural peonage;...
Three Poems and a Critique of Postracialism
...of where those race relations take place. Today I will be sharing work from my final chapter, which looks at three contemporary African American poets. I should offer a caveat...
Southern Spaces: A Partial History
...by hand, using the coding view in Dreamweaver. I tried to code it all in xhtml. As we brought on additional students to help—Sarah Toton, Steve Bransford, Paul O'Grady, Jere...