"The Room that We're Able to Take Up": Forrest Lawson's Queer Aesthetic
...in a mode promoting social justice and change for all LGBTQ+ people. My wrist might not be ‘stiff’ in the way my dad intended, but I think my artistic mission...
Art, Diaspora, and Identity: The John Biggers Papers
...of African Americans in the US South. Much like West Africans who were grappling with the inheritances of colonialism, African Americans lived daily with the reality of being both African...
An Interview with Tim Gautreaux: "Cartographer of Louisiana Back Roads"
...America today"—praise that would please a writer who resists regional labels. Reviewer Alan Heathcock lauded Gautreaux's "invention of clever, out of the ordinary conflicts" and "his ability to render true...
States' Rights Resurgent: The Attack on the Voting Rights Act
...election of 1876 and the Tilden-Hayes Compromise, a political agreement that gave Republican Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency in return for withdrawing federal enforcement of the Civil War Amendments in...
Dixie Destinations: Rereading Jonathan Daniels's A Southerner Discovers the South
...words of prominent critic Malcolm Cowley, "a new art."47Malcolm Cowley, Review of You Have Seen Their Faces, New Republic, 24 November 1937, 78. Of course, documentary books with photographs were not a...
Inside Poor Monkey's
...that is often referred to as a "tin." It is windowless, but has three doors. The front sports several faded, hand-painted signs. One describes the dress code by saying "not...
The "Achilles' Heel" of Jim Crow: A Review of Landscapes of Exclusion
...national parks today, many African Americans continue to feel unwelcome in such places. "[M]arking this racialized history can be potentially advantageous as a way of drawing new visitors. Most important,...
Rethinking the Geography of Lynching
...BlackPast.Org: An Online Reference Guide to African American History, accessed October 9, 2013, http://www.blackpast.org/1899-reverend-d-graham-some-facts-about-southern-lynchings. In the late nineteenth century and through the twentieth century, Rev. Graham's perception of lynching as...
The Bulletin—November 15, 2012
...county-level results of the presidential election between Republican Mitt Romney and Democrat Barack Obama scaled by population density. Illustrator Chris Howard designed another map which overlays county-by-county election results with...
Central America Protest, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, March 25, 1984
According to Duke Yearlook: Members of the Students for a Democratic Central America counter-protesting a demonstration done by the Central America Solidarity Committee. Members of the Central America Solidarity Committee...