Katrina + 5: An X-Code Exhibition
...New Orleans—variants of the X-code left by searchers as they systematically covered the city, critically pertinent markings applied to visited houses and buildings. “Paint fades, archives endure,” reads a promotional...
Our Backward Revolution
...rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters.”31Andrew Greiner, “75% of Republicans trust Trump’s medical advice,” YouGov, April 24, 2020, https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/29305-75-republicans-trust-trumps-medical-advice; Jacob Wallace,...
Crossing Over: Sustainability, New Urbanism, and Gentrification in Austin, Texas
...Eastside, takes its place in the background. While the mural is emblematic of a proud African American history in central East Austin, it also evokes a present in which African...
The X-Codes: A Post-Katrina Postscript
...markings, 2007. The location of the code on a building was often an indication of when in the progress of the flood a search had been conducted. A code...
Television News and the Civil Rights Struggle: The Views in Virginia and Mississippi
...stations years to open up to African American hiring and African American actors and anchors. But the television coverage of events in Virginia was decidedly different from the print media...
Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the US South, 1997–2007
...centrally related to claims of authenticity and marketability. Before the Dirty South, artists from places like Atlanta, Houston, or Miami were not completely excluded from rap, but seemed compelled to...
Spirits of the Landscape Rediscovered: Ras Michael Brown's African-Atlantic Cultures and the South Carolina Lowcountry
...the African-Atlantic—the geographical, cultural, and symbolic space linked by the dispersion of African-descended peoples across the Atlantic.2Although a number of studies reference African antecedents in their analysis of African American...
Segregationists, Libertarians, and the Modern "School Choice" Movement
...in the South," South Today, October 1969, 1. By the 1970s, as many public schools in the South were being desegregated for the first time, promoters of private schools were...
Wanted eLove: Queer Square Spaces and the Revolution in Digital Intimacy
...evolved to include hanky codes, gay bar and bathhouse secret codes, and other gendered and sexualized forms of inclusion or exclusion. In a letter to the editor published in NEWSWEST,...
"The Emblem of North American Fraternity": Opossums and Jim Crow Politics
...African American autonomy and survivance, and claimed it as their own rightful inheritance. This entailed mocking and deriding African American opossum consumption as indicative of inherently inferior racial traits. White...