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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Buckner Gap, North Carolina

Poplar tree, Buckner Gap, NC, 1994. Photo courtesy of Rob Amberg. Remains of the house rumored to have been the site of an illegal liquor distilling operation, near Buckner Gap,...

Emporia newspapers

The Emporia Times and Emporia Republican. "Nigger Assaults White Woman." July 14, 1905.   NIGGER ASSAULTS WHITE WOMAN HOUSE OF MRS. LUSK ENTERED — NIGGER WAS CAPTURED AND IDENTIFIED BY...

Atlanta's Black Population

Maps for Figure 6, Andrew Wiese, African American Suburban Development in Atlanta Kevin Kruse, White Flight and the Making of Modern Conservatism Published: 29 September 2006 © 2006 Andrew Wiese...

At Liberty (1964)

...and cedar, all its innumerable wings, and tomorrow he will be gone from the lumber-yards and the farmhouse windows that semaphore like televisions and the vacant hands of Herbert Lee...

Stones and Shadows

...the driver's seat. "Son," says the voice. "Son, I think it's going to be a good year for you." The car arrives at the house, where my mother is waiting,...

The Boatloads the print of a rubber stamp, rough from reuse. At the bank of the river, hoary old Charon can barely keep up. Each day he has more trips to...

Brass Knuckles

Something so pleasing in their heft it's easy to forget how my grandfather used them in those days when everybody knew he kept a hundred rolled and rubberbanded in the...

Talk Radio, D.C.

...fever, burning and burning. When the doctor left the house, my grandmother snuck in the back door with a croaker sack of mackerel. She wrapped me all up in that...

Prayer of the Backhanded

...holding nothing tightly Against me and not wrapped In leather, eliminated the air Between itself and my cheek. Make full this dimpled cheek Unworthy of its unfisted print And forgive...

Glocal Lounge

...develop a "global sense of place." This project of thinking about the complex imbrications between the local and the global is one of the more productive developments in literary and...