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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

The Bulletin—November 15, 2012

...county-level results of the presidential election between Republican Mitt Romney and Democrat Barack Obama scaled by population density. Illustrator Chris Howard designed another map which overlays county-by-county election results with...

Sprinkle Creek, North Carolina with it. Now, that's God's will. It makes us a stronger person." Doormat from house soon to be removed from I-26, Sprinkle Creek, NC, 1996. Photo courtesy of Rob...

Call for Blog Posts: Voting, Politics, and Similar Subjects

...and imagined spaces and places make connections and comparisons between southern regions and/or locales and sites in the wider world use textual, visual media, archival, and ethnographic materials—including artistic expressions—to...

CDC in the Pandemic's Wake

...a public health series covering the pandemic: Far too much had to be cobbled together on the fly in early 2020 largely because of prior organizational neglect. And far...

Bricking the Church

Poem Robert Morgan reads his poem "Bricking the Church," 2014. Bricking the Church At the foot of Meetinghouse Hill where once the white chapel pointed among junipers and pulled a...

Call for Submissions: Spatial Justice

  Southern Spaces invites essays, photo essays, video productions, and digital projects which explore the relationships between social justice and real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their...