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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Selma Bridge: Always Under Construction

...this region that includes counties with some of the highest rates of poverty and highest percentages of Democratic voters in the United States. "I truly thank him for coming. It...

Call for Blog Posts: Voting, Politics, and Similar Subjects

...gerrymandering; voter suppression; voting patterns) Pandemic voting (voting rights; ballot initiatives; mail-in voting; voter access; United States Postal Service) Political activism (social justice; movements and mobilization; countermovements; grassroots efforts; the...

Southern Spaces Recommends, October 2020

...ideas and activism. Daniel Immerwahr's How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States (2019) forever alters readers' perception of the national map, outlining the extent and...

Placeholder: Carolina Poems of Love and Labor

Readings Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "The Change." Poem text. Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "Off Season." Poem text. Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "Packin' Four Corner Nabs." Poem text....

Living with the Ghosts of Queer Pasts

...Since the 1970s, queer history projects have flourished across the United States. New archives are forged from the remains stowed away in activists' attics and closets. Oral history collections are...

Call for Submissions: Remembering COVID-19

...urban landscape, e.g. occupancy of office buildings; closure of retail stores; restructuring of restaurants and pedestrian spaces? How are the over one million lives lost to Covid in the United...