Cherokee Removal Scenes: Ellijay, Georgia, 1838
Introduction Map of Main Indian Removal Routes from James W. Clay, Paul D. Escott, Land of the South (Birmingham, AL: Oxmoor House, 1989). On May 28, 1830 America’s long-standing policy...
Visions for Sustainable Agriculture in Cuba and the United States: Changing Minds and Models through Exchange
...than cutting off contact, the United States maintains relationships while attempting to promote progress toward civil and human rights. If the goal is to advance the rights of Cuban citizens,...
In Good Faith: Working-Class Women, Feminism, and Religious Support in the Struggle to Organize J. P. Stevens Textile Workers in the Southern Piedmont, 1974–1980
...persona as the real Norma Rae and spoke across the United States, in Canada, and the Soviet Union. Since 1979, "Norma Rae" has become a title of sorts, bestowed on...
Religion and the US South
...celebrations were Confederate Memorial Day and dedications of monuments. Organizations like the United Confederate Veterans and the United Daughters of the Confederacy were the epitome of white cultural sanctity, and...
Going South, Coming North: Migration and Union Organizing in Morristown, Tennessee
...was soon evident even to casual observers. The movement of industrial capital from the United States to the maquilas and the movement of low-wage workers from Mexico to the United...
Spectacles of American Nationalism: The Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama Painting and The Birth of a Nation
...of the Atlanta painting, and promoters moved each canvas from city to city for exhibition. At every stop, riggers installed the panorama in a massive rotunda building, a specially designed...
Living Across Borders: Guatemala Maya Immigrants in the US South
...and Maria were among the initial wave of Maya migrants to the United States who left Guatemala in the late 1980s during the violent Civil War years.2In the essay and...
Our Backward Revolution
...big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities.”17Ryan Struyk,”Blacks and whites see racism in the United States very, very differently,” CNN, August 18, 2017, Church Sign, Chatham...
Draining Paradise: A Tour of Salt Creek in St. Petersburg, Florida
...United Methodist Church McCabe United Methodist Church [27.745772686664253, -82.67140787567607] At McCabe, the unbaptized remnants of Salt Creek disappear into a sewer line, across from the church, at the corner...
An Excerpt from Inseparable: The Original Siamese Twins and Their Rendezvous with American History
...of the twins' wedding, some local folks wagered over how long the marriage could last and whether such a "freakish union" would produce any offspring. In their mind, bestiality was...