Rosa’s Log Cabin Quilt [ca 1880]
...United States and beyond. In 1875, F. N. Walker, a Spartanburg merchant, advertised that he had "just returned from the North with an attractive line of SEASONABLE GOODS bought at...
The Place of Appalachia
Essay How might spatial theory help us understand the political significance and potential of the diverse, place-based struggles documented in Transforming Places? First, place matters in the pursuit of social...
A Mind To Stay Here: Closing Conference Comments on Southern Exceptionalism
...leaving to attend Western Kentucky University, 1953–1954. From 1954 until 1956, he served in the United States Army. He earned a B.A. at the University of Kentucky in 1958 and...
Global Lives, Local Struggles: Latin American Immigrants in Atlanta
...Policing Adolescent Female Sexuality in the United States (1995), examines the gender, class, and racial tensions that fueled campaigns to control female sexuality in the late nineteenth and early twentieth...
Opening Spaces: On Tolerance and the Possibility for Love her ranking of the fifty US states from weakest to strongest. (Slattery even gives us a formula: "1 = Best.").8Margaret Slattery, "The States of Our Union ... Are Not...
Cultivating Freedom: A Review of Bobby Smith’s Food Power Politics
...and political in-fighting. By the 1960s, while attention was on the southern United States in the fight for civil rights and political enfranchisement, Mound Bayou, like many other Black towns...
Sankofa Series: What Must Be Remembered abolitionist Sarah Parker Remond alongside the image. Taken from an 1862 abolitionist speech, "The Negroes In the United States of America," Remond's quotation illustrates the centrality of slave labor...
Discursive Memorials: Queer Histories in Atlanta's Public Spaces
Introduction Since the 1980s, various individuals and publics have dedicated memorials to LGBTQ communities in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other European countries. Among them are George Segal's...
Sowing The Seed Underground
Presentation Part 2: Ray overviews the modern extinction of many food seed varieties and the industrialization of US agriculture About the Author Janisse Ray was born in Baxley, Georgia, in 1962...
Carolina's Caribbean Origins: A Review of Hubs of Empire
...© United States Postal Service. By reframing the history of coastal Carolina, Mulcahy succeeds in rendering "both the Lowcountry and the islands less anomalous within the larger context of colonial...