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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Revisiting Flaherty's Louisiana Story

...On Saturday afternoons at St. Pius X primary school in the Chicago suburbs parents could deposit their children in the gymnasium, where we would sit on the floor on gym...

A City Divided

...(though obviously these codes could and were violated).9On racial social codes, see Leon Litwack, Trouble in Mind: Black Southerners in the Age of Jim Crow (New York: Knopf, 1998).  Perhaps the mixed-race, mixed...

Three Poems and a Critique of Postracialism

...code." Is "She" "the poet" or Paul's "ivory spouse"? Given that generational confusions-of-tongues are a central feature of much of Alexander's poetry, it could well be both. In any case,...

Palomares Bajo

...were thoroughly othered, marked as "racially different." Their "miserable and abandoned hamlet" was contradictorily said to be "inhabited by dark-skinned gypsies and by descendants of the Moor[s]," a coded reference...