The Color of Democracy: A Japanese Public Health Official’s Reconnaissance Trip to the US South, Koya’s desires coincided with SCAP’s active—albeit implicit—role in promoting birth control through state-initiated public health services in Japan. Public Health and Birth Control in the South In the prewar...
Patchwork Freedoms: Law, Slavery, and Race beyond Cuba's Plantations
...of the tensions inherent in birth status hierarchies and slavery, all the while promoting conformity among the enslaved. By the eighteenth century, however, in certain parts of Latin America, some...
Putting the Vernacular in Modernism: A Review of Edward Comentale's Sweet Air
...modernism," or a "vital forum of exchange and transformation for those otherwise excluded from traditional forms of power and prestige" (7). Jailhouse Rock, 1957. Promotional image featuring the film's star...
African American Community Building in Atlanta: A Guide to the Study of Race in America
...marriage illegal denied to mixed race children all claims to White property and, more significantly, to White identity. The codes that restricted property ownership and the vagrancy laws that permitted...
No Place To Be Displaced: Katrina Response and the Deep South's Political Economy
...people of color, and women. The extreme inequality in these states reflects a white southern legacy of a government/elite/corporate alliance that promoted slavery and the plantation system; post-slavery agricultural peonage;...
Georgia Slavery, Georgia Freedom
...rice planters for a slave-based plantation economy. Jennison unpacks Georgia's slave codes from 1755, 1765, and 1770 to demonstrate how a Savannah-based, Lowcountry elite eventually seized power. Jennison cautions, however,...
A Woman's Work: Jim Crow Modernity and the Remaking of the Carceral State
...Black women destabilized hegemonic categories of crime and forged codes for living and navigating Jim Crow America. The blues became a vehicle through which "black women protected themselves from negative...
Seeds of Rebellion in Plantation Fiction: Victor Séjour's "The Mulatto"
...for Zelia, colonial laws dictated that the slave must be blamed and executed for her master's injury.4Commenting on the Black Code and the kinds of punishment inflicted on slaves for...
Shades of Violence: Jim Crow Justice and Black Resistance in the Depression-Era South
...notes the role of US communists and allied labor radicals in promoting the argument, as the Southern Worker contended, that "the police, the courts, and the 'law enforcing' machinery are...
Hoboken Style: Meaning and Change in Okefenokee Sacred Harp Singing
...“new style” Sacred Harp promoted by David and Clarke adopted the practice, widespread elsewhere, of opening and closing with prayer. These actions violated the Decorum of the Alabaha River Primitive...