Dancing Around the "Glaring Light of Television": Black Teen Dance Shows in the South
...the North. Historian Brett Gadsden describes Delaware as "a provincial hybrid, one in which ostensibly southern and northern modes of race relations operated."30Brett Gadsden, Between North and South: Delaware, Desegregation,...
Telling the Raymond Andrews Story: The Making of Somebody Else, Somewhere Else
...Life and Death Raymond Andrews during the Korean War, still from Somebody Else, Somewhere Else, 2010. Raymond Andrews was a personable, talented man who embodied so much of the cultural...
Confederates in Mexico: Lost Cause or New South Vanguard?
...chapter of The Southern Exodus to Mexico makes a more convincing case that southern emigration to Mexico was a harbinger of a "New South" where white leaders embraced industry, finance,...
Cruising Grounds: Seeking Sex and Claiming Place in Houston, 1960–1980
...at the time of the Stonewall Riots. Number of queer businesses listed in Houston, 1941–2015. Dataset by Brian Riedel, 2015. Line graph by William Robert Billups, 2020. Courtesy of Southern...
"The Choctaw Miracle": A Review of Katherine Osburn's Choctaw Resurgence in Mississippi
...Odysseys: Indigeneity, Race, and Federal Tribal Recognition Policy in Three Louisiana Indian Communities (Durham: Duke University Press, 2011); Malinda Maynor Lowery, Lumbee Indians in the Jim Crow South: Race, Identity,...
Gulf of Knowledge: The Hidden Scientific History of the Early American Southeast
...the American Philosophical Society 157, no. 2 (2013): 190. And the American Indian kneeling before Minerva most likely represents one of the particular Indian tribes inhabiting the Gulf South, for...
John Cohen in Eastern Kentucky: Documentary Expression and the Image of Roscoe Halcomb During the Folk Revival
...Scruggs before, but never so close to the source. They hit him hard.14Cohen interview; John Cohen, "A Visitor's Recollections," in Allen Tullos, ed., Long Journey Home: Folklife in the South (Southern Exposure,...
Hearing the Call: The Cultural and Spiritual Journey of Rosemary McCombs Maxey
...Indian Country outside the Creek Nation, among Lakota people in South Dakota, for example; as an advocate for Native Hawaiian prisoners incarcerated in Oklahoma and Arizona; as an interim pastor...
"Out Yonder on the Road": Working Class Self-Representation and the 1939 Roadside Demonstration in Southeast Missouri
...and the Southern Underclass, 1935-1943," in Richard Godden and Martin Crawford, eds., Reading Southern Poverty Between the Wars, 1918-1939(Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2006), 26-30 (quote p. 30); William Stott,...
A Mind To Stay Here: Closing Conference Comments on Southern Exceptionalism
...Karl Rove built directly upon Nixon’s Southern Strategy Part 4: Egerton reflects upon the contradictions of the South, highlighting the importance of racial integration and rural life Part 5: Egerton highlights the...