Piedmont Blues
Figure 2.1: The Piedmont. Map courtesy of James W. Clay and Paul D. Escott, Land of the South (Birmingham, AL: Oxmoor House, 1989.) Although the Piedmont plateau stretches from New...
Climate Change & Coral Reefs: Global Challenges from a Caribbean Perspective
Presentation About the Speaker James W. Porter is the Meigs Distinguished Professor of Ecology at the University of Georgia and a faculty member in School of Marine Programs, Water Resources and Conservation Ecology. Porter has...
The Bulletin—October 18, 2012
...Mississippi's governor has joined other southern Republican governors from Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Texas in declining to participate in the program, in the wake of a Supreme Court...
Academic Capitalism and Regional Planning: A Review of Shadows of a Sunbelt City
...defined by conservativism, is quite similar to other more conservative cities throughout the US South in terms of its urban planning, elites’ desire for economic growth and political power, and...
American and British Slave Trade Abolition in Perspective
American and British Slave Trade Abolition in Perspective Part 2: Davis discusses connections between enslaved African labor, trans-Atlantic trade, and emerging anti-slavery movements Part 3: Davis discusses three major factors...
The Bulletin—February 11, 2013
The Bulletin compiles news from in and around the US South. We hope these posts will provide space for lively discussion and debate regarding issues of importance to those living...
Glocal Lounge
From the beginning of Southern Spaces in 2004, we've understood this journal as participating in critical regional studies. Southern Spaces publishes work that represents and analyzes many souths and southern...
Sankofa Series: What Must Be Remembered
...then shipped to the South where it was used . . . to package the cotton [and] to secure bales of cotton to ships. . . . Those ships would sail out...
Bodies and Souls
...Screenshot by Southern Spaces. I knew that I wanted to make a film about rural healthcare, largely explored through observational footage in a clinic, to shed light on the real...
Watching the Surface for a Sign
Readings Patrick Phillips reads "Brass Knuckles." Poem text Patrick Phillips reads "The Chimney." Poem text. Patrick Phillips reads "The Flood." Poem text Patrick Phillips reads "Heaven." Poem text Patrick Phillips reads an excerpt...