Inside Poor Monkey's
...that is often referred to as a "tin." It is windowless, but has three doors. The front sports several faded, hand-painted signs. One describes the dress code by saying "not...
Music and Mobility on the Streets of New Orleans: A Review of Roll with It
...recounts how Association members promoted laws and zoning practices that shut down bars and blocked live music, leading to fewer venues for brass bands and other New Orleans musicians. The...
Authorship in Africana Studies
...Conjugal Union: The Body, the Hours and the Black American (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999). Martha Southgate: What Came Before Cover, left, from Martha Southgate's Third Girl from the Left...
Kara Walker's Blood Sugar: A Subtlety or the Marvelous Sugar Baby
...blood-sweeten'd beverage —Robert Southey, Poems of the Slave Trade, Sonnet III1Robert Southey, The Poetical Works of Robert Southey (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1839), 110. Nothing expresses more viscerally...
The Bulletin—November 29, 2012 and intellectually engaging with the US South. After over a decade of research and surveying, North Carolina and South Carolina have reached an agreement on the official 335-mile border...
Southern Spaces Recommends
Blog Post Eric Solomon, "Queer Intersections / Southern Spaces" series editor: I've been on a reading streak the past few months. Here are a few I recommend. In terms of...
Single Centers of Creation?
...Desmognathus aeneus Seepage Salamander Desmognathus marmoratus Shovel-nosed Salamander Plethodon teyahalee Southern Appalachian Salamander Desmognathus auriculatus* Southern Dusky Salamander Plethodon metcalfi Southern Gray-cheeked Salamander Plethodon richmondi Southern Ravine Salamander Pseudotriton ruber...
Mountaintop Removal in Central Appalachia
...coalfields of southern West Virginia, eastern Kentucky, southwestern Virginia, and east Tennessee. By 1994, the US Department of Energy anticipated a production increase of as much as 24 million tons...
Mourning Medgar: Justice, Aesthetics, and the Local
...Black and White Women of the Old South: The Peculiar Sisterhood in American Literature (1985), and numerous essays, and coeditor of The Literature of the American South: A Norton Anthology...
Marching for Gay Rights in Atlanta, 1971: An Excerpt from A Night at the Sweet Gum Head
..."drag superstar" Rachel Wells, and the activist and trailblazer Bill Smith, who is featured in Padgett's excerpt published here with "Queer Intersections / Southern Spaces." Padgett, too, is central to...