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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Farmland Blues: The Legacy of USDA Discrimination

...South. Although southern rural music expressed the hopes, aspirations, failures, and hardships of rural people, farming culture remained invisible to most listeners. The work culture that produced the music—farmers plowing,...

Remnants of Flannery

...presence there to reveal themselves."24Nancy Marshall, "Andalusia: Photographs of Flannery O'Connor's Farm," Southern Spaces, April 28, 2008, About the Author Eric Solomon is an editorial associate at Southern Spaces...

History, Geography, and the New Orleans Tourism Industry: A Review of Bourbon Street

...Emma Lirette, "Category 3 Gentrification: On New Orleans's Population Trends and the Hostility of Internet Commenters," Southern Spaces, April 17, 2013, Campanella's characterization of black New Orleanians is as...

Flit Lit in the Sweet Sunny South

Review When I saw a note about Chuck Thompson's new book, Better Off Without 'Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession, I had to take a look. From the title...

Besieged Terrain

...from a strip mine on its south-southeast border, Robinson Forest, Kentucky, 2009. Photograph courtesy of Kentucky Heartwood. Strip mine on the south-southeast border of Robinson Forest, Kentucky, 2009. Photograph courtesy...