"Beer, Prayer and Nellydrama": (Im)Possibilities in Max Vernon's The View UpStairs
...in a building that failed to meet New Orleans fire codes.38Fieseler, Tinderbox, 183. When the pandemonium was over, thirty-two victims had perished, either immediately or in the following days as...
An Oyster by Any Other Name
...fellow conspirators, tasting two thousand oysters from all along the Gulf Coast. It was the first symposium hosted by Foodways Texas, an organization dedicated to preserving, promoting, and celebrating the...
A Conversation with Digital Historians
...have two grindstones. One involves interfacing with a machine in ways that are sometimes difficult and tedious, much like archival work. Sometimes we are wrestling with code and how to...
Music and Mobility on the Streets of New Orleans: A Review of Roll with It
...recounts how Association members promoted laws and zoning practices that shut down bars and blocked live music, leading to fewer venues for brass bands and other New Orleans musicians. The...
A Well-Tied Knot: Atlanta's Mobility Crisis and the 2012 T-SPLOST Debate
...in its advertisements and promotional materials. Even in Democratic Clayton County, campaign spots promoted the creation of a super-arterial highway along Tara Boulevard, but said precious little about the resuscitation...
Deep Ellum Blues
...ownership of all its public land, making the State of Texas the nation's largest land promoter, aside from Uncle Sam himself. And in Texas, no city was so conceived and...
Counterblast: How the Atlanta Temple Bombing Strengthened the Civil Rights Cause
...as forty anti-Semitic groups operating in the South at the time of the black freedom struggle. Some of these organizations promoted their cause exclusively through propaganda. Others took more direct...
Interstate Road Project, Single-State History: Tammy Ingram's Look at the Dixie Highway
...Indianapolis automotive headlights manufacturer Carl Fisher, who had plowed his fortune into the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and later into promoting long-distance roads, including the earlier Lincoln Highway. The Dixie Highway—one...
Loving-Moonlight(ing): Cinema in the Breach
...intimacy in which viewers are invited to sit alongside. It is an image used in the film's promotion: Mildred sits in Richard's lap, holding his head close to her chest....
Ramp Hollow: The Ordeal of Appalachia
...Rogers, a Kentucky Republican, introduced the Reclaim Act. The law would empower the Department of the Interior to distribute funds to states and Indian nations aimed at developing land in...