August, 1959: Morning Service churned butter, my eyes closed, freed my mind into the light on the window’s other side, followed the dreamy bell-ring of Randy Ford's cows across Licklog Creek to a...
Re-imagining the Red States: New Directions for Southern Studies
Video Part 1b: Re-imagining the Red States: New Directions for Southern Studies Part 2: Re-imagining the Red States: New Directions for Southern Studies Part 3: Re-imagining the Red States: New Directions for...
Aestheticizing a Political Debate: Can the Creek Confederacy Be Sung Back Together?
Aestheticizing a Political Debate: Can the Creek Confederacy Be Sung Back Together? Part 2: Womack analyzes Posey’s representation of the vexed relationships between Creeks and Freedmen in the Creek Confederacy...
Hyphenating Waters: A Review of Calypso Magnolia and Island People
...his scholarly act of drawing connections between "the South" as traditionally conceived and the broader circumCaribbean. Lowe models his frame—"circumCaribbean"—after the "circum-Atlantic" work of Paul Gilroy and Joseph Roach, among...
Southern SpacesĀ Recommends
...novel. For a powerfully written and argued history of the role of violence and force in the abolitionist movement, read Kellie Carter Jackson's Force and Freedom: Black Abolitionists and the...
Discursive Memorials: Queer Histories in Atlanta's Public Spaces
...built environment and the experiences of its inhabitants—mark the city's particularities. Increasing numbers of cars, trolleys, buses, and taxis enabled movement between downtown and suburbs; rural and urban areas; "colored"...
Keywords for Southern Studies: An Introduction
...pronouncements about the object or method of the field of study.1 The organization of this collection follows this logic. Although our section headings describe broad family resemblances between terms, neither...
A Trumped-Up Dixie: White Southern Republicans and Immigration Reform
...after South Carolina attacked the federal fort in Charleston harbor and war ensued, the United States government and its federal courts oscillated between treating Confederates as "rebels" of an insurrection and "enemies"...
Placeholder: Carolina Poems of Love and Labor
Readings Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "The Change." Poem text. Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "Off Season." Poem text. Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "Packin' Four Corner Nabs." Poem text....
Slipping Boundaries: The Tenacity of Aaron Henry
Presentation About the Author John Howard is Emeritus Professor of Arts and Humanities at King's College London. He is interested in the historical production of human differences and their attendant...