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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

COVID-19: Lessons in Ignorance

...always huddles up to figure out what needs to be changed," he suggests in his introduction, invoking a football analogy that promises a line of sight into the gap between...

The Place of Appalachia

...Appalachian Journal 11 (Autumn–Winter 1983–1984): 23–31. In an era of protracted labor uprisings, particularly in the central Appalachian coalfields, and increased recognition of the relationship between regional poverty and a...

Sea Changes in Personhood," inspired by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's theory of the minor, stemming from human, parahuman,1"Parahuman" indicates the zone of connection between human animal, other animals, and the environment. animal,...

Open Educational Resources at Southern Spaces

...across multiple disciplines. Presenting well-crafted articles, videos, reviews, interviews, and digital projects, these collections of free materials offer valuable resources for teaching, learning, and research. OER Commons logo, December 12,...