The Liminal Site
...Absalom! In William Faulkner, Novels 1936–1940, ed. by Joseph Blotner and Noel Polk (New York: Library of America, 1990), 111. Edward O. Wilson claims we are hardwired to want to live...
Telling the Raymond Andrews Story: The Making of Somebody Else, Somewhere Else
...was Raymond Andrews? I wanted to know because I was a lover of literature from and about Georgia, but also because I am from Madison, Georgia, and I knew of...
Slavery's Traces: In Search of Ashley's Sack
...the newly opened Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) in Washington, DC. Evidently a seed sack made of unbleached cotton fabric dating to the mid-nineteenth century,...
Baptists and Witches: Multiple Jurisdictions in a Muskogee Creek Story instant, and Shirley was quiet. It was three days now since Shirley had begun to die, and everyone knew now and had given up any hope. Even the white...
Crosses, Flowers, and Asphalt: Roadside Memorials in the US South
...dirt track racers defying death in stripped-down vehicles with high performance engines, the glitz and product promotion of modern day NASCAR, and the window-tinted, stretch-limo world of rap culture. Country...
Envisioning Faulkner and Southern Literature
...Quarterly Review (Spring 1975), 222–239; Cleanth Brooks's "Southern Literature: The Wellsprings of Its Vitality," Georgia Review 16 (1962), 238–253; Flannery O'Connor's Mystery and Manners: Occasional Prose (New York: Farrar, Straus...
Vivir en las Fronteras: Inmigrantes Maya de Guatemala en el Sur de los Estados Unidos
...campos profesionales en Guatemala.5Allan F. Burns, Maya in Exile: Guatemalans in Florida (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1993); Leon Fink, The Maya of Morganton: Work and Community in the Nuevo New...
Ethnic Cleansing and the Trail of Tears: Cherokee Pasts, Places, and Identities
...struggle to resettle, build new homes, plant new gardens, and learn about new weather patterns. It demanded a reimagination of who the Cherokee were, how they connected to the world,...
New Shades o'Death Creek above McRoberts, Kentucky, 2005. The Old Road had once been the only way to Charleston, before the four-lane highway — still new to Lydde — went in. They wound...
MAP IT | Little Dots, Big Ideas: Transforming the Humanities with Geo-Spatial Analysis
...Dasgupta, "New Geospatial Bill Raises Questions on Private Industry Use, Academic Research, and Digital India." The Wired (May 10, 2016): A New Map of Africa, the Latest Authorities, 1811....