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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Remnants of Flannery

...calls her "flanvas," which she made herself.6Ibid. Travis Ekmark's art for the zine. Portrait by Travis Ekmark. Courtesy of Travis Ekmark and Brooke Hatfield. During a July 29 event to promote...

The Bulletin—May 8, 2013

...the House. Former Congressman Sanford, despite causing a great scandal in 2009 by covering up a romantic affair in Argentina with a story about hiking the Appalachian Trail, ran against...

Louisiana: Crossroads of the Atlantic World

...the various iterations of Lousiana's colonial slave codes, analyzing in rich, often imaginative detail, the aspirations and anxieties of authorities who attempted to construct and maintain categories of difference within...

Southern Spaces on Hurricane Katrina

...Gulfport, Mississippi, 2005." Southern Spaces, September 1, 2008, Moye, Dorothy. "Katrina + 5: An X-Code Exhibition." Southern Spaces, August 26, 2010, ———. "The X-Codes: A Post-Katrina Postscript." Southern...