Reuse, Author Choice, and the Open Access Spectrum: New Creative Commons Licenses for Southern Spaces Authors
...derivative works, such as those "consisting of editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole, represent an original work of authorship."1"17 US Code, Chapter 1, Section 101–Definitions,"...
Beasts of the Southern Wild and Dirty Ecology
...a chorus of animals: "'I'm hungry. I want to poop.' But sometimes they start talking in codes." How do we make our way into the coded life of other species?...
Confederates in Mexico: Lost Cause or New South Vanguard? pursuit of life in a foreign land during the late 1860s. Between 1865 and the early 1870s approximately five thousand white and black southerners trekked to Mexico (28, 37).1Wahlstrom...
Unearthing the Weeping Time: Savannah's Ten Broeck Race Course and 1859 Slave Sale
...Terms of Sale—One-third cash; remainder by bond, bearing interest from day of sale, payable in two equal annual instalments, to be secured by mortgage on the negroes, and approved personal...
Besieged Terrain
...arrow darter, and the endangered, "gorgeous" Allegheny wood rat. The southern Appalachian Mountains consist of four broad provinces: the Blue Ridge, Great Valley, Ridge and Valley, and Appalachian Plateau. The...
Prop Master at Charleston's Gibbes Museum of Art
...for the exhibit which also appears in this online version. Rick Rhodes provided the majority of the photographed images. Marla Loftus of the Gibbes Museum contributed public relations information and...
Seeds of Rebellion in Plantation Fiction: Victor Séjour's "The Mulatto"
...of Séjour's works to appear in print, he launched a popular and successful literary career, with twenty of his plays produced on the Paris stage between the 1840s and 1860s....
A Green Democratic Revolution the economic and administrative power apparatus."1André Gorz, Ecologica (Paris: Galilée, 2008), 48. A turning point was reached fifty years ago. In 1972, the Club of Rome published the report...
How I Shed My Skin
Presentation and Review Civil rights narratives often empower and embolden, promoting faith in possibilities, hope for rectifying inequities. More sober assessments show that, though we've come a long way—thanks to...
"Closest to Everlastin'": Ozark Agricultural Biodiversity and Subsistence Traditions
...22 apple trees; 10 cherry; 12 peach; 5 quince; 9 plum; 16 pear; 6 apricot; 16 crab-apple. We started by planting from seeds that I brought with me from home.44Erin...