An Excerpt from Inseparable: The Original Siamese Twins and Their Rendezvous with American History away or to rebel, and they would bring additional value when they had babies—the so-called increase. Aunt Grace, for instance, gave birth to nine children, three of whom—Jacob, Jack,...
The Pursuit of Health: Colonialism and Hookworm Eradication in Puerto Rico
Public Health Crossings Top, Colonel Bailey K. Ashford, ca. 1893. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Image is in public domain. Bottom, William H. Hunt, Governor of Puerto Rico, 1901–1904. Courtesy of...
MARBL Presents Atlanta Intersections: Photographer Stephanie Dowda on Topophilia
...encounter with The Lightning Field in New Mexico, an installation piece by renowned sculptor, Walter De Maria. Dowda describes the piece as a quarter-mile long desert field installed with nearly...
Creolization as Cultural Continuity and Creativity in Postdiluvian New Orleans and Beyond Artists, Our New Orleans: A Benefit Album (Nonesuch Records, 2005). It instantly became the soundtrack of recovery, blaring from radios as hammers rang, saws cut, and backhoes cleared throughout...
Blues in the Lower Chattahoochee Valley
...Mitchell first recorded Bryant in 1969. Over a decade later, at his coaxing, she played the Chattahoochee Folk Festival and was an instant hit. Her warm stage presence and lively...
"In the Neighborhood": Towards a Human Geography of US Slave Society
...slaveholders' diaries, and newspapers are filled with instances of slaves capturing runaway strangers to protect themselves and their neighbors from the risks that went with harboring them. Capturing fugitive strangers...
Living Across Borders: Guatemala Maya Immigrants in the US South
...lawns, and then in construction where he learned to install electrical wiring in new suburban homes.18Interviews with Alfredo (2001, 2002). The labor of immigrant workers, like Alfredo and his uncle...
Enslaved Labor and Building the Smithsonian: Reading the Stones
...rented enslaved persons for labor. For instance, according to the Smithsonian Day Book, in which the Institution's financial expenditures were recorded, a payment was made on January 15, 1850 in...
The X-Codes: A Post-Katrina Postscript
...effort by then seems to have focused on locating bodies and identifying hazards such as instability in waterlogged structures and toxic air quality inside flood-marinated buildings. The discovery of bodies...
The Place of Appalachia indicate otherwise. Interdependent and mutually defining economic, social, cultural, and political bonds between the urban and the rural become in many instances thicker and more complex with the accelerated...