Hijacking Public Housing: A Review of New Deal Ruins
...privatized prisons, and low-income housing (and school) voucher programs serve as other examples.4For instance, see Pauline Lipman, New Political Economy of Urban Education: Neoliberalism, Race, and the Right to the...
Sonic Zora in Florida
...status, a jealous protector of his own archival materials related to their shared work for the WPA, and also a spectacularly harsh critic of Hurston's contradictory persona. See, for instance,...
St. Augustine's "Slave Market": A Visual History
...1964 (Tuscaloosa, AL: The University of Alabama Press, 2008). In 2011 St. Augustine installed its first public civil rights monument adjacent to the market, honoring the struggle for equality on this site...
The Poetics of Rescue and Resilience: A Conversation with Jericho Brown on The Selected Shepherd
...poems about queer desire, or only poems about his mother. It was never thematic. It was always craft based. For instance, in Angel, Interrupted, he's very clearly trying to write...
Stand & Witness: Art in the Time of COVID-19
...for instance, at the first stop, it will say “1 of 10.” There are forward and backward arrows to move to the next and previous stops. To view the videos...
Before Tuskegee: Public Health and Venereal Disease in Hot Springs, Arkansas
...for Medical Sciences Archives. Hot Springs reveals a significant instance of the federal government's racist approach to public health policy. When dealing with white patients, Washington extended a taxpayer-supported hand....
Vivir en las Fronteras: Inmigrantes Maya de Guatemala en el Sur de los Estados Unidos
...Policy Institute, Migration Information Source (April 2006) http://www.migrationinformation.org/Profiles/display.cfm?id=392. Esta primera ola de emigrantes de Guatemala inicialmente se instaló en Los Ángeles, Houston y la parte sur de la Florida, áreas...
DDT Disbelievers: Health and the New Economic Poisons in Georgia after World War II
...didn't have to dig very deep to find it. Spraying interior of Italian houses with 10% DDT and kerosene for malaria control, 32nd Field Hospital, Unit B Installation, February 26,...
The Countryside Transformed: The Eastern Shore of Virginia, the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the Creation of a Modern Landscape
...provision of better educational opportunities for their children, the adoption of up-to-date styles of architecture, the installation of indoor plumbing, and the purchase of automobiles, pianos, and other amenities. In...
Nascent Nations: A Review of Chiefdoms, Collapse, and Coalescence in the Early American South
...applications of the term see, Robbie Ethridge and Sheri M. Shuck-Hall, eds., Mapping the Mississippian Shatter Zone: The Colonial Slave Trade and Regional Instability in the American South (Lincoln: University...