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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

They Never Witnessed Such a Melodrama

...the opera house, so that an otherwise all too typical lynching became national, and even international, news. The story, for instance, appeared in a Paris newspaper, Le Petit Journal, along...

Lyle Saxon and the WPA Guide to New Orleans

...cabin, installing the de rigueur four-poster bed and lining the study with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves crammed with his collection of "pre-Civil War Portraits of Negroes." He'd write for a spell, amble...

An Absence I Know I Won't Reclaim

Readings Rodney Jones reads the poem "Failed Memory Exercise." Poem text. Rodney Jones reads the poem "I Find Joy In the Cemetery Trees." Poem text. Rodney Jones reads the poem "Homage To...

The Bulletin—February 11, 2013

...installed during these recent repairs detected a power anomaly and triggered the shutdown. Entergy continues to investigate the "root cause" of the incident. Meanwhile, Sara Kugler noted on MSNBC because the Superdome...

Palomares Bajo

...successive US administrations, who from 1953 built and managed "joint" military installations across the country. The Morón base, near Seville, sent air tankers to refuel these planes returning to Goldsboro...

Remnants of Flannery

...on the Instagram feeds of some friends of mine who visited Andalusia and the Central State mental hospital recently, and the parallel, vicarious visit I had in my head as...

Southern Spaces: A Partial History

1926 Pharus Map of Berlin, Andrew Battista’s "Spatial Humanities and Modes of Resistance: a Review of Hypercities," September 15, 2015. Screenshot courtesy of Southern Spaces. Beginnings How did you become...