The Color of Democracy: A Japanese Public Health Official’s Reconnaissance Trip to the US South, Koya’s desires coincided with SCAP’s active—albeit implicit—role in promoting birth control through state-initiated public health services in Japan. Public Health and Birth Control in the South In the prewar...
Visions for Sustainable Agriculture in Cuba and the United States: Changing Minds and Models through Exchange
...nothing to promote political and economic change. In July 2010 Menendez took the Senate floor to oppose an easing of travel restrictions, remarking that more opportunities for US citizens to...
"Rights Still Being Righted": Scottsboro Eighty Years Later
...nine young men should not be forgotten. Moreover, as many expressed, remembering Scottsboro could promote racial healing today, still a pressing need. The commemorative events centered on the Scottsboro Boys...
The Joneses: Home Made in Mississippi
...ever since. The Joneses promotional poster. Bunny Lake Films LLC, 2016. The documentary project spun out of my first book, Men Like That: A Southern Queer History, which began as...
Good-Bye to All That?
...posted on their websites and promoted through all forms of social media, including Facebook. They described the kinds of constructive measures that have worked across Transylvania County to develop environmentally...
Deep Ellum Blues
...ownership of all its public land, making the State of Texas the nation's largest land promoter, aside from Uncle Sam himself. And in Texas, no city was so conceived and...
Call for Submissions: Remembering COVID-19
...longer articles and media productions, that address the continuing public health and political implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. Queries and abstracts are also welcome. Southern Spaces is an open access,...
Southern Spaces General Call for Submissions
Submit all inquiries and materials to Southern Spaces managing editor Madison Elkins at Submissions are especially welcome before October 15th, 2017, but will be considered on a rolling basis....
Starlit Screens: Preserving Place and Public at Drive-In Theaters
...a growing interest not just in maintaining existing theaters, but in constructing new ones.7"Drive-in Theater Search,", Six of Alabama's ten drive-ins opened since 1996.8Calvin R. Trice, "Couple seek...
Crosses, Flowers, and Asphalt: Roadside Memorials in the US South
...dirt track racers defying death in stripped-down vehicles with high performance engines, the glitz and product promotion of modern day NASCAR, and the window-tinted, stretch-limo world of rap culture. Country...