Loving-Moonlight(ing): Cinema in the Breach
...telephone, buying groceries, running after her kids. Nichols elevates the quotidian tasks of the Lovings into profound meaning. The Lovings simply wanted to build a home together. As a filmmaker,...
New Pasts: Historicizing Immigration, Race, and Place in the South
...FedEx Corporation, headquartered here, grew from a relatively small niche market in overnight package delivery into a global logistics empire. Around the city’s perimeter, warehouses storing goods for "just-in-time" delivery...
Vale of Amusements: Modernity, Technology, and Atlanta's Ponce de Leon Park, 1870–1920
...spend their leisure time. These mechanical wonderlands were generally located on the urban perimeter, and often operated like small, self-contained towns with their own electrical and plumbing systems. Parks boasted...
"Closest to Everlastin'": Ozark Agricultural Biodiversity and Subsistence Traditions
...“now is your time.” Renzie Dow said, “huh?” and she says “now is your time, get over that bolster.” He said “Oh boy, I will get up and eat all...
The Battle of Atlanta: History and Remembrance
...North, New York Times, September 3, 1864. Northern Civil War commanders made the capture of Confederate cities—specifically Atlanta and Richmond—and the crippling or destroying of the armies defending them, the major...
No Place To Be Displaced: Katrina Response and the Deep South's Political Economy
...to deal with displaced disaster survivors for an extended time. Despite the phenomenal outflow of generosity, time, and expertise from individuals to international aid groups, Katrina remains a disaster—for both...
The Digital Yoknapatawpha Project
...purple indicates multiple returns to a specific time). Screenshot by Stephen Railton, 2014. Courtesy of Digital Yoknapatawpha Project. Taylor Hagood: We use Drupal to create a location that we can...
Telling the Raymond Andrews Story: The Making of Somebody Else, Somewhere Else
...MARBL.) At the end of Raymond's life, he and Benny had acrimonious phone conversations and exchanged angry letters. The letters referenced the phone conversations and expanded on them. By 1990,...
Managing Malaria: The Emory University Field Station and The Melvin H. Goodwin Papers
...H. Goodwin papers, Manuscripts, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Emory University. Melvin Harris Goodwin, on left, at the Emory University Field Station, Baker County, Georgia. Photograph. Melvin H. Goodwin papers,...
Toxic Knowledge: A Review of Baptized in PCBs
...control it over time. At times, toxic knowledge was concealed; at other times, it was dismissed. At still other times, Monsanto sought to distract from it, as when the company...