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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

LiFT Art Salon: Hammonds House institutions with long histories of community-building through arts activism and education. In this spirit, we hosted one of our first LiFT gatherings in the Hammonds House Museum. Founded in 1988, the Hammonds House...

Returning Home, Saxon Mills

...year, I hear the hum of the mill, and her humming the numb walk home after a shift change. When she wakes in mid-afternoon it is 1945 and her life...

The Bulletinβ€”May 15, 2012 legislators and lobbyists have encouraged the growth of the state’s prison population through financial incentives over the last two decades, causing Louisiana to become the world leader in incarceration....

Sams Gap, North Carolina

...through Lexington and Louisville and that is a beautiful place, huge horse farms on either side of that I-75 and it's just beautiful.  But now when I drive through there...

Remembering Documentary Filmmaker George Stoney

...public-access television, a teacher at New York University, and a native of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He was remembered in the New York Times, the Village Voice, and by Tom Rankin...

Early Roller Coaster Patents

...roller coaster" is remarkably similar to the titles of both patents." - Victor Canfield. 2001. "U.S. Rollercoaster History From Patents" from   A. Wood, Circular Gravity Railway (U.S. Patent...