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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

A Horrible, Beautiful Beast that monster, the horrifying and grotesque, and yet also strangely romantic space of American racial fantasy. Like anyone else who has studied the history of the US South, when...

The Bulletin—September 4, 2012

...Lewis's "Going South Coming, North: Migration and Union Organizing in Morristown, Tennessee," and Jarod Roll's "'Out Yonder on the Road': Working Class Self-Representation and the 1939 Roadside Demonstration in Southeast...

Piedmont Blues

Figure 2.1: The Piedmont. Map courtesy of  James W. Clay and Paul D. Escott, Land of the South (Birmingham, AL: Oxmoor House, 1989.) Although the Piedmont plateau stretches from New...

The Bulletin—October 18, 2012

...Mississippi's governor has joined other southern Republican governors from Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Texas in declining to participate in the program, in the wake of a Supreme Court...

American and British Slave Trade Abolition in Perspective

American and British Slave Trade Abolition in Perspective Part 2: Davis discusses connections between enslaved African labor, trans-Atlantic trade, and emerging anti-slavery movements Part 3: Davis discusses three major factors...

The Bulletin—February 11, 2013

The Bulletin compiles news from in and around the US South. We hope these posts will provide space for lively discussion and debate regarding issues of importance to those living...