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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

The Change

...Gillespie house floor design, with torn and faded floral paper on walls and linoleum so thin over rotted board that the floor gave if you weighed over a hundred pounds,...

St. Catherines Island Flyover

...locating, describing, mapping, and writing about alligator dens and gopher-tortoise burrows. The use of a drone enables a new way of studying the island's dynamic ecosystems and scouting locations difficult...

Bodies and Souls

...located in Coahoma County, Mississippi. Created by Wikimedia Commons user Arkyan. Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0. After making Waking in Mississippi, I moved to Boston where I spent four years...

Gone With the Wind

...lights had come up at last in the room which is not here anymore where the last train runs again through the miniature town, past the old brick courthouse, its...

J-Mill on Regulating incorporated with the records' [sic] original lyrics which often changes the whole concept of the song." "The concept of mic checkin' has been and still is widely used by...

Rosa’s Log Cabin Quilt [ca 1880]

...have drawn from the same fabric collection for a "Save All" quilt which she made during the same period. In that quilt, Mary also used a variety of brown prints,...

At Sun Ra's Grave

...hat and bedsheet robe, and even the house is gone, the room where you played by radio light, slowly casting off your names. * Now derelicts keep the rails from...

The Crowd He Becomes

...the paperboys, ready to throw when the dark is right. See him Christmas, few years back, outside the preacher's house, thin fuse of cigarette, newspaper spread on the bus protests....