I-26, Corridor of Change
...promoted as a safe alternative to the existing road and as an economic boon to the area. Old US Route 19-23 was a steep, winding, unimproved two-lane shared by school...
Driving Through Time: The Digital Blue Ridge Parkway
...to complete because of environmental and public relations concerns and lawsuits filed by the mountain's owner and promoter, Hugh Morton. Screen capture of the GeoBrowse tool, Driving Through Time, 2012. The...
Corporations, Corruption, and the Modern Lobby: A Gilded Age Story of the West and the South in Washington, DC
Corporations, Corruption, and the Modern Lobby: Part 2: White describes the lengths both men went to in an attempt to gain subsidies and credit for their respective railroads Part 3: White shows...
New Adventures in Tandem Ethnography
...in the corner of the room, making small talk in Cajun French even though my "project" tries to avoid nativist ideologies about Louisiana culture.2For instance, the ideologies that promote a...
African Americans in Atlanta: Adrienne Herndon, an Uncommon Woman
...promoted her debut through advertisements and well-placed references, Adrienne succeeded in gaining the attention of more than ten Boston area newspapers. For the most part, the reviews were glowing. "She...
Remnants of Flannery
...calls her "flanvas," which she made herself.6Ibid. Travis Ekmark's art for the zine. Portrait by Travis Ekmark. Courtesy of Travis Ekmark and Brooke Hatfield. During a July 29 event to promote...
Rose Library Highlights: Amos Kennedy, Jr.
Amos Kennedy Print, Kennedy and Sons Collection, Emory University Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. On March 15, 2016, acclaimed printmaker Amos Kennedy, Jr. participated in a public conversation about...
Race, Capitalism, and the Rise and Fall of Black Beach Communities
...and the complex relationships between blacks and the land along waterfronts that range from the Potomac Flats in Washington, DC, through the Chesapeake Bay and Hampton Roads, down the Carolina...
Ireland’s First Sacred Harp Convention: “To Meet To Part No More”
...was evident at the Ireland Convention. Neely Bruce and David Ivey (a renowned Alabama singing master from a prominent singing family) were invited as co-teachers of a singing school. Between...
Leavenworth newspaper
Leavenworth Times. Untitled. October 30, 1887. "There is no State in the Union where a colored man has a better [hope] to ask for a solid Republican support than in...