Category 3 Gentrification: On New Orleans's Population Trends and the Hostility of Internet Commenters a twenty-three million dollar campus in 2000, paid for by the state of Louisiana.1This is the number my wife (NOCCA '04) told me when I asked her on Gchat...
COVID-19: Lessons in Ignorance
...Scoring 83.5 out of 100 possible points, the US was deemed "best prepared" in the world.5Elizabeth E. Cameron, Jennifer B. Nuzzo, Jessica A. Bell, et al, Building Collective Action and...
Crosses, Flowers, and Asphalt: Roadside Memorials in the US South
...and eighteen-wheelers. The American-made pickup truck is lauded in countless tunes, personified as a best friend or trusty companion. Several country tear-jerkers lament the fate of those who have died...
Looking into the past, Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, 2009
I-26 looking west at Buckner Gap, Madison County, North Carolina, 2008
Eggleston's South: "Always in Color"
...a new way of looking at the US South, a full color, sideways vision. Wagonload of cotton coming out of the field in the evening. Mileston Plantation, Mississippi Delta, Mississippi,...
Packin' Four Corner Nabs I look like a monkey when I look in mirrors big muscular arms and back on a skinny little frame kinda wiry, funny, even to me the biceps aren’t...
An Excerpt from The Lesbian South: Southern Feminists, the Women in Print Movement, and the Queer Literary Canon
...and pointed at two women. "See?!" he said, conspiratorially, derisively. I looked at my friend Cheryl and raised an eyebrow. Where did he think he was, anyway? The Southeastern Conference...
On Native Ground: Indigenous Presences and Countercolonial Strategies in Southern Narratives of Captivity, Removal, and Repossession
...from southern literature and "the South." Native theories and practices of intellectual sovereignty, self-determination, and literary separatism emphasize Native cultural identities, looking to Muskogee Creek, Cherokee, Osage, and other tribal-national...
Nowhere [yet Everywhere] in the World: Cuban History and Sexuality in the Dramas of Abel González Melo
...look at." Put another way, we only exist because someone looks at us. That is one of the greatest pleasures of writing dramas: feeling that one only offers a guide...