Transcript of "When I Say 'Steal,' Who Do You Think Of?": Part Two
...that attempted to return freed slaves to a de facto bondage. Beginning in Mississippi in 1865, these so-called "Black Codes" appeared to grant Black people certain legal rights for the...
Genres of Southern Literature
...for southern literature. This tradition is not without irony, given the other directive that has long governed southern literary study: the emphasis on promoting "internal" or a-historical, non-contingent readings of...
Southern Spaces: A Partial History hand, using the coding view in Dreamweaver. I tried to code it all in xhtml. As we brought on additional students to help—Sarah Toton, Steve Bransford, Paul O'Grady, Jere...
No Place To Be Displaced: Katrina Response and the Deep South's Political Economy
...people of color, and women. The extreme inequality in these states reflects a white southern legacy of a government/elite/corporate alliance that promoted slavery and the plantation system; post-slavery agricultural peonage;...
Cruising Grounds: Seeking Sex and Claiming Place in Houston, 1960–1980
...came to have the support of the Gay Political Caucus and the Metropolitan Community Church, both organizations invested in promoting the respectability of gay people. Time would prove the MCA's...
Crossing Over: Sustainability, New Urbanism, and Gentrification in Austin, Texas
...stops and bike lanes and widen streets to promote public transportation. The most symbolic public spot in the corridor is Urdy Plaza, an open, art-decorated space that honors the African...
Segregationists, Libertarians, and the Modern "School Choice" Movement the South," South Today, October 1969, 1. By the 1970s, as many public schools in the South were being desegregated for the first time, promoters of private schools were...
Ablaze: The 1849 White Supremacist Attack on the Pendleton Post Office
...1849. Vague and clumsy references to letters in code and cyphers in his correspondence directed to Barrett made his situation look damning. One newspaper from North Carolina noted that if it...
The Battle of Atlanta: History and Remembrance
...Lieutenant General John Bell Hood, commander of the Confederate Army of Tennessee. Photographic print. Hood's leadership at Chickamauga won him a promotion to lieutenant general on February 11, 1864, and...
Spectacles of American Nationalism: The Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama Painting and The Birth of a Nation
...of the Atlanta painting, and promoters moved each canvas from city to city for exhibition. At every stop, riggers installed the panorama in a massive rotunda building, a specially designed...