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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Putting the Hospital into Southern Hospitality

...It is the troubled generations between the pre-Columbian past and the post-Pasteur present that occupy McCandless, who taught history at the College of Charleston from 1974 until his retirement in...

They Never Witnessed Such a Melodrama were permitted only one shot each. This sensational attention ultimately led the "better elements" of Livermore to "deeply deplore the action of the mob" and support a legal indictment...

Residues of Border Control not show encounters between Border Patrol officers and migrants, but they depict the rubber gloves and bullet casings. They do not follow immigrants into detention, but register the residue—detention...

COVID-19: Lessons in Ignorance

...always huddles up to figure out what needs to be changed," he suggests in his introduction, invoking a football analogy that promises a line of sight into the gap between...

Sonic Zora in Florida

...of her explanatory cues, the distinctions that she makes between, say, a "jook song" and a "lining" accompaniment, her references to her own ethnographic prowess ("Miss Hurston describ[es] how she...