Race and Difference in the "Other America": A Review of Anne Braden: Southern Patriot
...long career, she never "took her hand off the plow" of social justice, and once her course was set, she did not look back. Interviews with a number of activists...
Enslaved Labor and Building the Smithsonian: Reading the Stones
...from the stone quarries. —Zbigniew Herbert, "Classic."1Zbigniew Herbert, Collected Poems, 1956–1968 (New York: HarperCollins, 2007), 141. Thanks to Allen Tullos for suggesting this apt quote. Carol M. Highsmith, Smithsonian Institution...
Renewing Multimedia Scholarly Publishing: A Streamlined and Mobile-Friendly Design for Southern Spaces
...recounting her use of an article on our site in her teaching. Viewing Andrew M. Busch's Southern Spaces article "Crossing Over" on a phone. Screen capture of the new Southern...
Ramp Hollow: The Ordeal of Appalachia
...two centuries among mountain farmers, as well as among people in other parts of the United States. Readers in New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles might not appreciate the extent...
Still under the Influence: The Bioregional Origins of the Hub City Writers Project
...stability and holds much energy in its web—energy that in simpler systems (a field of weeds just after a bulldozer) is lost back into the sky or down the drain."...
The Makers of the Sacred Harp
...In the case of the “revival spiritual songs” that began to appear in great numbers in 1840s tunebooks, including The Sacred Harp, Steel speculates that some may have had their...
Psychiatry in the Wake: Racism and the Asylumed South
...health and healing where there were small numbers of Black patients.11Fett, Working Cures. Gonaver warns us not to read Galt's attitude as any kind of emancipatory rhetoric, but as representing...
Creolization as Cultural Continuity and Creativity in Postdiluvian New Orleans and Beyond
...musician noted that the "spirit didn’t drown," as he enumerated the loss of his Gentilly neighborhood home and its contents, then under eight feet of water: a Steinway grand piano,...
Contesting the Roadways: The Moore's Ford Lynching Reenactment and a Confederate Flag Rally, July 25, 2015
...A July 1951 Klan-organized "Mammoth Motorcade," protested African Americans moving into the Carver Village apartment complex in Miami. White threw rocks from cars and shot an African American man.4Teresa Lenox,...
Opening Spaces: On Tolerance and the Possibility for Love
...way, and though he uses non-"ideal" sources such as "surveys, social networks, pornographic searches, and dating sites" to compile "evidence" on the "number of gay men" in this country, Stephens-Davidowitz...