Ramp Hollow: The Ordeal of Appalachia
...can do better than that. They can make their representatives justify the trust placed in them. They can demand more of their government. They can assert a right to land...
Still under the Influence: The Bioregional Origins of the Hub City Writers Project
...in 1978 was labor intensive rather than capital intensive. It operated outside traditional capitalist models. Sam Hamill referred to nonprofit Copper Canyon as "life outside the mainstream capitalist economy, living...
The Makers of the Sacred Harp
...In the case of the “revival spiritual songs” that began to appear in great numbers in 1840s tunebooks, including The Sacred Harp, Steel speculates that some may have had their...
Psychiatry in the Wake: Racism and the Asylumed South
...South Carolina,5Peter McCandless, Moonlight, Magnolia and Madness: Insanity in South Carolina from the Colonial Period to the Progressive Era (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996). little scholarship has...
Creolization as Cultural Continuity and Creativity in Postdiluvian New Orleans and Beyond
...Afro-urban pop music with a 1970s-era message of inclusiveness and tolerance that prefigured the then soon-to-be President Obama’s message of hope ("Yes We Can"). Was Toussaint’s use of "Can Can"...
Opening Spaces: On Tolerance and the Possibility for Love
...be categorized, numbered, and made intelligible forms part of what Michel Foucault, in his History of Sexuality: The Will to Knowledge, called the "deployment of sexuality."3Michel Foucault, The History of...
Dancing Around the "Glaring Light of Television": Black Teen Dance Shows in the South
...School.39Barry Malone, "Before Brown: Cultural and Social Capital in a Rural Black School Community, W.E.B. Dubois High School, Wake Forest, North Carolina," The North Carolina Historical Review 85, no. 4...
New Histories of Environmental Activism: A Review of Rethinking the American Environmental Movement
...nature preservation. This builds on important recent work in nineteenth-century environmental history, such as Catherine McNeur's Taming Manhattan and Carl Zimring's Clean and White, and buttresses the argument for long...
Stormy Banks and Sweet Rivers: A Sacred Harp Geography
...frequently designated "Canaan" and celebrated as a heavenly promised land. Rooted in Biblical descriptions, the geography of Canaan is depicted as a peaceful land of lush vegetation and gentle, flowing...
States' Rights Resurgent: The Attack on the Voting Rights Act
...self-protection, and the Federal Government will have become their enemy."5"Confederate States of America—Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union,"...